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Python Courses
for Schools

Our entire curriculum is free to use for schools. All our courses and lessons can be used as part of your Python coding curriculum.


We believe our thorough curriculum provides students with exceptional learning. Having taught children Python for over ten years, our lessons are tailor made for young people to excel in an often difficult subject. 


 Teachers, email us from your school email account and we'll give you full access to our platform. When you're ready to start using these resources, we can also give free access to your students for use on school premises.

Recommended curriculum for schools


Level one: Python Foundation

6.5 hours of classes

Each chapter is broken down into small lessons around 4-15 mins long, and fit perfectly into lesson plans. This level will take your students from explaining what programming is to having them write their own code. See Course Overview


Levels 2-5

18.5 hours of classes

In intermediate Python courses, learners will delve into essential concepts that enhance their programming skills. Key topics include Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), data structures, advanced looping concepts and more. By mastering these concepts, learners will be well-equipped to tackle more complex programming challenges. Explore Courses


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